- migrant worker
- эк. тр. мигрирующий [кочующий\] работник; устар. отходник (лицо, передвигающееся из региона в регион в поисках работы)Syn:See:* * *сезонный рабочий
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Migrant worker — Migrant workers in California, 1935 Legal status of persons Concepts … Wikipedia
migrant worker — Migrant Mi grant, n. 1. A migratory bird, person, or other animal. 2. A person who changes residence frequently in search of employment, especially farm labor, such as harvesting crops seasonally; also called {migrant laborer} or {migrant worker} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
migrant worker — noun A person, esp an agricultural worker, who moves from place to place, or to another country, in search of work • • • Main Entry: ↑migrate … Useful english dictionary
migrant worker — A worker who has come from another country or region to work. Attracted by better wages in the country or region to which they have migrated, such workers may or may not bring their family with them. In many cases they will not have done so and… … Big dictionary of business and management
migrant worker — noun a) an agricultural labourer who travels from place to place harvesting seasonal crops b) a person with temporary permission to work in another country … Wiktionary
Migrant domestic workers — who work for wealthy families in the UK are currently allowed to change employers without breaking the law so long as they continue working full time as a domestic worker in a private household. Under proposed changes to the immigration rules in… … Wikipedia
Migrant — Mi grant, n. 1. A migratory bird, person, or other animal. 2. A person who changes residence frequently in search of employment, especially farm labor, such as harvesting crops seasonally; also called {migrant laborer} or {migrant worker}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
migrant laborer — Migrant Mi grant, n. 1. A migratory bird, person, or other animal. 2. A person who changes residence frequently in search of employment, especially farm labor, such as harvesting crops seasonally; also called {migrant laborer} or {migrant worker} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Migrant — may refer to: Immigration and emigration, the migration of humans Bird migration Migrant worker Migrant literature This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 — ILO Convention C143 Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 Date of adoption June 24, 1975 Date in force December 9, 1978 Classification Migrant workers Subject Migrant workers Previous … Wikipedia
migrant labour — Semiskilled or unskilled workers who move from one region to another, offering their services on a temporary, usually seasonal, basis. In North America, migrant labour is generally employed in agriculture and moves seasonally from south to north… … Universalium